A step back? No way!

Were you ever obliged taking a step back in your career?
Have you ever considered doing it spontaneously?
Well, I did – five years ago.
In fact –  I was obliged, due to a restructuring.
Or better I had the choice between accepting to go down the hierarchical ladder and giving up on my status as a senior manager, or leaving the company.
I decided to stay …. and to step back …
And this was the most powerful and meaningful step in my career and in my life. Nothing to be ashamed of!
Scientific research has shown that in the years ahead one in every three employees runs the risk of having to take a step back in their career. There can be many reasons for this: restructurings, delayering, mergers, the need to work longer before we can retire, etc.
Because of this, I decided to tell my story and to share my lessons learnt. The Dutch version of my book was published in 2016.

Today, I’m very proud to announce the launch of its English version (in e-book format)

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If you, as an individual

  • have reached a turning point in your life or career, and are confronted with the need to take a step back, either voluntarily or because they must;
  • want to know more about this topic;
  • are looking for answers to all your questions about “demotion”;
  • are thinking about taking a backwards step but still need a little push;
  • want to know what is happening in the head and the heart of someone who has already taken this step

then you should read this book!
If you as a (HR) manager

  • need to guide people through the demotion process
  • want to know what is going on inside the heads of the people they are dealing with,
  • want to ensure that the experience takes place in a constructive and professional atmosphere

then you are one of my readers!
Your bonuses:

  • you get a look inside a number of unexpected and personal aspects of my experience
  • you get extracts of my ’12-12-12 diary’, that read as a roman fleuve
  • you learn how as an individual you have the resources to make a positive story out of this career step
  • You can also read a series of interviews with other people who have been demoted

Want to order this book?

Then go to the site of Witsand Uitgevers

Because it is time to break the taboo!

Because you don’t need to be ashamed about taking a step back in your career as long as this step brings you closer to yourself!

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