For anyone who is facing a radical transition or a situation of loss and seeking coaching or guidance in order to be able to respond in a serene and positive way and … to bounce back.


I am truly convinced that every step you take, even in difficult situations, brings you closer to who you are.


In companies and organizations I coach, I give advice, I provide lectures and training on demotion, transition, resilience and related topics.

On May 24, 2016 my book "A step back? No way!" was published.

A step back? No way! lets you look inside a number of unexpected and personal aspects of my experience and offers insights into what taking a step back can do to a person, in their head and in their heart.

You also learn how as an individual you have the resources to make a positive story out of this career step.
Because you don’t need to be ashamed about taking a step back in your career as long as this step brings you closer to yourself.

Because it is time to break the taboo around “demotion”.

Interested? Feel free to contact me via the Contact page.

Experiences of others (in the client's language)

Honor the space between «no longer» and «not yet»